News Update

Marine Gardens Bowling Club, report w/ending Sunday 2nd June 2024

(June 02, 2024)

Marine Gardens continued last week's good form by beating Goring Manor at home in the Brodie Tray (84 - 49) winning all 4 rinks in the process. Mark Berriman led his team Terry Ashley and Ken Leadbeater to top rink honours with a convincing 24 - 11 victory.

Unfortunately, there was a dip in performance the following day in the Brodie Tray match at home against Lancing who won 2 rinks to 1 with 1 rink drawn. Special mention must be made of the Lancing team who came from 14 - 2 down after 8 ends to win the next 10 ends and draw the game 14 - 14. The only winners on the day for the home team were Julian Oglesby, David Barlow, and Graeme Poole.

The Ladies' team played on a cold afternoon against Middleton Blue in the GSM league when both home teams got stuck on 13. Credit must go to the Ladies for enduring the wintry conditions.

The final match in this period was played in more seasonal conditions at Marine Gardens against Worthing in the Stracey Shield. The sun shone on the home team who won by 3 rinks to 1. Marine Gardens claimed the match points with a 78 - 60 margin. Tim Baldwin skipped Alan Paterson, Bob Cole, and Duncan Gayler to top rink honours with an impressive 29 - 10 win. This victory led to avenging our defeat at Worthing earlier in the month.

Alan Paterson, Press Officer.


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