News Update

Marine Gardens Bowling Club, report w/ending Sunday, 21st July 2024.

(July 21, 2024)

We got off to a good start in this period with the Ladies picking up 4 points at home against Bognor in the GSM league match. This was drawn at 1 game apiece with Marine Gardens claiming the extra points with a 45 - 34 shot total. Thanks, were due to Betty Stevenson, Angela Neale, Liz Baldwin, and skip Jenny Ashman for posting a 30 - 5 win.

On the same day, Marine Gardens registered a 6 - 2-point victory at Norfolk in the WSBL by winning 2 – 1 rinks with a 53 – 48 shot total. Top Rink honours went to David Barlow, Norman Deegan, Ken Leadbeater, and skip James Albon.

The next game in the Brodie Tray played at Worthing was a closely contested affair ending in 2 rinks apiece with Worthing claiming the extra points with a 65 - 58 shot advantage. David Barlow and Perry Cairns made a great contribution in the pairs with a 21 - 9 win.

The 2nd leg of the annual Horsham Centenary Bowl competition was played in warm sunshine and although we put up a valiant fight to overhaul the 31-shot deficit it proved a step too far. Horsham won 3 – 2 rinks (61 - 77) thus winning over 2 legs by 15 shots. Bob Cole, John Nettleingham, Julian Oglesby, and skip Ivan Godsmark reduced the arrears significantly with a 27 - 4 win. Everyone who took part

thoroughly enjoyed this fixture.

The period ended with 2 defeats on the road. Firstly, the Ladies lost in the GSM league against Middleton (Blue) and then we lost in a friendly fixture at Billinghurst, but we were very well looked after at the end of the match, thank you Billingshurst members for an enjoyable afternoon.

Alan Paterson, Press Officer.

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